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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Fabien Torre teaches a course at EPAT 2014 (École de Printemps sur l'Apprentissage arTificiel) on Machine Learning Collaborative Methodes.

Rémi Gilleron is in charge of Master Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales (MIASHS) at Université de Lille.

Marc Tommasi is a member of the "conseil de l'UFR MIME".

Fabien Torre is "secrétaire du CHSCT (Comité hygiène, sécurité et conditions de travail) de Lille 3" since Dec. 2012.


Marc Tommasi wrote a report for the Phd thesis of Daniel Bernades ("LIP6", France).


Mikaela Keller was a member of the following selection/hiring committees: PhD committee of J.P. Peyrache, Université de St Etienne (France), MdC hiring committees at Université Paris-Sud, and MdC hiring committees at Université Paris 6 (France).

Marc Tommasi was member of the following selection/hiring committees: UPMC (Paris 6): Professor, St Etienne (France): Assistant professor and Lille (France): Inria young researchers (CR2).

Marc Tommasi was also reviewer for Crédit Impot Recherche.

Fabien Torre participated in the selection committees "COS" for the 27 MCF 0133 and 27 MCF 0470 position (spring 2014, Lens, France).